Glitnir bank sells bonds for $200m (ISK 15bn)
Nordic bank Glitnir sold ISK 15bn ($200m) of five year mandatory convertible bonds in a closed offer to Icelandic institutional investors that ended y...
Topics and News related to Iceland
Nordic bank Glitnir sold ISK 15bn ($200m) of five year mandatory convertible bonds in a closed offer to Icelandic institutional investors that ended y...
The annual Aldrei for eg sudur music festival will take place on March 21st – 22nd in Isafjordur in Iceland. The two day music festival, which i...
The British Council in Canada has chosen a Prince Edward Island high school to participate in its international climate change youth expedition to Ice...
According to column in the Toronto Star, the residents of Iceland have a sense of style that is as distinctively chic as it is overlooked. Iceland, a ...
Iceland is likely to restart hunting minke whales in May according to a report from the BBC. Iceland resumed commercial whaling in 2006 but in August ...
The story of Seydisfjordur, a small fishing town in Iceland, will soon come to life in an old townhouse in Edinburgh, thanks to the work of two local ...
Styrkir eiginfjárhlutfall bankans umtalsvert Stjórn Glitnis banka hf. hefur tekið ákvörðun um að gefa út breytanleg skuldabréf. Skuldabréfin verða vík...
The President of Finland Tarja Halonen officially signed a document recognising the independence of Kosovo from Serbia on Friday last week. Iceland ha...