American murder trail may move to Iceland
A murder trial currently underway in Washington DC is considering moving to Iceland in order to accommodate an Icelandic witness who does not wish to ...
Topics and News related to Iceland
A murder trial currently underway in Washington DC is considering moving to Iceland in order to accommodate an Icelandic witness who does not wish to ...
Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, the Foreign Minister for Iceland, met last week with the Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad,? and the? President, ...
With only one week remaining before the opening of the Union of European Football Association (UFEA) European Women’s Under-19 football championship, ...
The Icelandic tourist board has just launched a web camera which provides views of millions of Atlantic puffins. The iconic birds come in their millio...
Iceland Express is seeking permission to build a new airport in Reykjavik. The proposed airport would measure 6,500 square meters and be located next ...
On the morning of July 20th, environmental protesters vandalised the Icelandic consulate in Edinburgh. The steps of the consulate were covered in red ...
Because of the time difference between Europe and Iceland, bookstores in Reykjavik? have been? selling the newest Harry Potter book one hour before th...
Reykjavik-based insurance company, Sjóvá, has donated a robot to the rehabilitation ward of Iceland’s National Hospital. The computer-controlled robot...