Online plea for help to find little girl’s father nothing more than marketing scam
A video uploaded to the popular website YouTube implored viewers to assist with discovering the real identity of the father of little baby August.
International News and topics without borders
A video uploaded to the popular website YouTube implored viewers to assist with discovering the real identity of the father of little baby August.
The Danish immigration minister has made an about turn on her policy of accepting Iraqi refugees under the United Nations agreement. Just eight weeks ...
The countries of the Nordic group are set to invest over EUR 14 million for climate projects in developing countries. The investment, which is part of...
The now world-renowned Iceland Airwaves music festival began life back in 1999 in an aircraft hangar at the local Reykjavik airport. The music festiva...
Swedish newspaper The Local has revealed that one of the three Swedish suspects arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of ties with Al-Qaeda is Mehdi Gheza...
Norway has denounced the sentencing to death of two Norwegian citizens in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
According to an article currently being circulated around the internet, a 30-year old Danish man was the unfortunate sufferer of a terrifying accident...
Good news for the bigger-bottomed: Danish researchers have revealed that thin thighs may be hazardous to health. The findings, revealed last week, ind...