Find the perfect Reykjavik apartment hotel this summer
Looking for the perfect Reykjavik apartment hotel for this summer? Reykjavik4you is offering the ideal holiday accommodation for those seeking somethi...
International News and topics without borders
Looking for the perfect Reykjavik apartment hotel for this summer? Reykjavik4you is offering the ideal holiday accommodation for those seeking somethi...
Icelandic design and fashion has seen a growth in popularity both domestically and internationally recently, due to an influx of new, innovative desig...
A group of three asylum seekers is planning to take legal action against the Norwegian government and immigration authorities for what they say is wro...
According to the Daily Record, popular Channel 4 travel and property TV personality, Phil Spencer had the pleasure of capturing the Northern Lights wh...
Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia has announced that its supply could be disrupted by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Written by Tom Cleveland, foreign exchange market analyst: While the major foreign exchange event of the past decade would surely be the highly succes...
The Icelandic government adopted a revised strategy for gradual liberalisation of capital controls in a cabinet meeting yesterday.
Barack Obama has been caught out using a recycled sound-bite to praise Denmark. The US President rolled out his favourite boxing pun – used to f...