SAS offers convenient railway check-in option
Before the end of the year, every passenger flying with Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) will be able to fully check-in and leave their baggage at train st...
Where the news is happening by country
Before the end of the year, every passenger flying with Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) will be able to fully check-in and leave their baggage at train st...
Greenlanders are hooking up to the Internet in droves since the Greenland Connect sea cable was connected to the island on 24 March. Within the first ...
After bailout talks with the Swedish government broke down, Volvo Cars has turned to the Belgian government for its help in securing a loan from the E...
Finland’s parliament has voted to give people in same-sex couples who are registered in an official partnership the legal right to adopt the naturally...
The struggling Swedish automotive producer Saab is up for sale, and three bidders from different countries have emerged as the most likely winners in ...
Tragedy struck a young Norwegian university student who was staying in Copenhagen when he was severely injured in a bar fight and was misunderstood at...
Police forces in Thailand and Sweden teamed up in a major sting operation aimed at bringing down suspects involved in sex crimes against children in T...
Things are heating up in Burma again over the fate of Aung San Suu Kyi, the legitimate winner of the country’s presidential election nearly two decade...