A pirate joins Sweden’s Green Party
One of the four men currently charged in the landmark Pirate Bay trial, Peter Sunde, has publicly stated he has decided to join Sweden’s Green Party. ...
Topics and News related to Sweden
One of the four men currently charged in the landmark Pirate Bay trial, Peter Sunde, has publicly stated he has decided to join Sweden’s Green Party. ...
A recent proposal approved by a European Parliament subcommittee would prohibit all EU nations from importing any seal products. This would be an econ...
Around 6,000 people demonstrated against Israel during a recent Davis Cup tennis match held in Sweden. The match, which was held in Malmo, was closed ...
The Swedish television network SVT has, during the past six weeks, broadcast a documentary reality series entitled “Diplomaterna” (The Diplomats), Dag...
Sweden’s Football Association has announced it intends to team up with Norway to make a joint bid to host the European Championship in 2016. The Europ...
In Norway it is against the law to get an abortion based on the sex of the unborn child. However, The Local newspaper reports that some pregnant Norwe...
The Stockholm County Administrative Court has ruled that Sweden’s porn king Berth Milton will have to pay 865 million kroner (USD 100 million) in back...
The government of Sweden has decided to allow stores that are not state-run pharmacies to sell non-prescription drugs. This latest move is the final s...