Swedish magazine publishes topless pictures of Kate Middleton
A Sweden-based magazine has opted to publish controversial topless photos of The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Officials from the celebrity go...
Topics and News related to Sweden
A Sweden-based magazine has opted to publish controversial topless photos of The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Officials from the celebrity go...
Thomas Cook Northern Europe has furthered its customer service by investing in a Customer Interaction Center (CIC) from Advania, based on a platform f...
State-backed alcohol retailer Systembolaget will soon launch home delivery services. Officials from the company said at the weekend that it had been g...
A new green data center has been established using Intel and HP technologies in Iceland that allows for the academic research infrastructure organisat...
The father of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said his son could spend up to a year in the Embassy of Ecuador in London.
Stockholm has said that it is looking into introducing laws that will limit the amount of money that children can spend via smartphones. The country’s...
A new ‘state-of-the-web’ index by Sir Tim Berners-Lee has listed Sweden in first place, ahead of the United States. The new list from the World Wide W...
Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, the Swedish co-founder of the popular torrenting website Pirate Bay, is set to be deported from Cambodia.