H&M burned by tanned model criticism
Swedish clothing giant H&M has apologised after a swimwear campaign featuring a deeply tanned model was criticised by cancer groups.
Topics and News related to Sweden
Swedish clothing giant H&M has apologised after a swimwear campaign featuring a deeply tanned model was criticised by cancer groups.
The mother of suspected Swedish serial killer Peter Mangs admitted to police that he had expressed racist views before he was arrested for a string of...
A Swedish man accused of shooting scores of immigrants in Malmo has begun his trial this week.
The Swedish government is to come to the rescue of those plagued by mosquitoes in the summer by bombing the blood thirsty bugs from the air with pesti...
A Swedish sex education video that examines all issues of sexuality and orientation has been met with mixed reactions in Finnish schools.
A struggling Swedish hockey team is to swap tackle training for ballet and yoga in an attempt to get back on top of its game.
A Disability Council in a Swedish town is lobbying to get “Laziness is not a disability” added to parking signs. If approved, the reminder would appea...
A Swedish police officer who let a motorist off a fine in exchange for a salad has been convicted of bribery.