Debate blows up around hand grenade Christmas baubles
The Swedish Army Museum (Armémuseum) has defended selling hand grenade-shaped baubles as part of its Christmas charity drive.
Topics and News related to Sweden
The Swedish Army Museum (Armémuseum) has defended selling hand grenade-shaped baubles as part of its Christmas charity drive.
Swedish clothing retailer H&M has admitted tacking models’ heads onto computer-generated bodies in order to sell swimwear and lingerie.
A third of the staff members working in the largest hospital accident and emergency department in Sweden believe women are to blame if they are physic...
Fire chiefs in Gothenburg are unable to explain how one of their men accidentally downed a bottle of ammonia during a routine exercise.
As is an unofficial Christmas tradition, a 13-metre straw goat has already succumbed to arsonists in an eastern Swedish town.
Stockholm officials who made the final decision to fell a beloved oak tree in the city centre have been issued with bodyguards because of threats made...
An invasion of giant chipmunks at the turning-on ceremony for Stockholm’s Christmas lights has shocked residents and city officials alike.
Swedish police officers are to receive further training after the revelation that a loaded rifle was sent through the post for forensic analysis.