Danes are the world’s happiest
New figures from a survey on global wellbeing has ranked the people of Denmark as the happiest among 97 nations. This is based on prosperity, democrat...
Information and news on culture, music and the arts in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
New figures from a survey on global wellbeing has ranked the people of Denmark as the happiest among 97 nations. This is based on prosperity, democrat...
Icelandic opera singer Gardar Thor Cortes was recently interviewed in his UK home by Hello! Magazine. The eight-page spread on the Icelandic singer fo...
Stemming from their successful exhibition in Edinburgh’s Old Town in March this year, Mhari Baxter and Melissa MacRobert will present a series of ligh...
A commission of enquiry into the number of ‘sponsored events’ on national TV has proposed a drastic cut in such numbers, by up to half. According to t...
Long running efforts to formalise the status of Copenhagen’s most famous suburb seem to have reached a deadlock. The hippie enclave that has squatted ...
A 72 metre statue by the celebrated Danish artist Robert Jacobsen (1912-1993) might soon grace the harbour as a new tourist attraction for the city. N...
Icelandic classical singer Gardar Thor Cortes has released his second album ‘When You Say You Love Me’ this week. Cortes is a rising star in the UK fo...
Games of skill, rather than chance might help Danish television channel TV2 break Danske Spil’s monopoly over the 11 billion kroner gambling industry,...