Iceland looks to prevent mortgage bubble burst
The Icelandic government is looking to ensure that its housing market does not become the country’s next financial liability after the 2008 banking co...
The Icelandic government is looking to ensure that its housing market does not become the country’s next financial liability after the 2008 banking co...
Iceland’s financial whistleblowing agency has said that state-backed Icelandic banks are operating under uncertainty and a number of risks.
The local council in Wiltshire, England, has been compensated for almost half of its losses suffered in the 2008 banking crash in Iceland.
Fraud investigators in the UK have dropped a probe into the collapse of Reykjavik-based Kaupthing bank due to a lack of evidence.
Valitor, the Iceland-based acquiring services provider, has recently signed a new partnership with hyperWALLET Systems Inc. to expand its internationa...
North Korean trade delegates have recently visited Sweden to study the Nordic country’s economy and government.
The governor of Iceland’s central bank (Sedlabanki) has lost a court battle over a 2009 salary cut. The ruling came on Wednesday 3 October when a Reyk...
Icelandic officials are readying the country to phase out the krona once current capital controls are lifted, according to reports.