Greenland: polemic mining law to be reviewed
Greenland’s government has agreed to discuss a controversial mining law that was passed last December. The law, which makes it easier for companies to...
Greenland’s government has agreed to discuss a controversial mining law that was passed last December. The law, which makes it easier for companies to...
Greenland’s melting sea ice could be the reason there is a lower number of caribou being born and a higher rate of calf mortality, revealed new resear...
The conservation activist organization, Sea Shepherd, have announced plans to disrupt or stop the Faroe Island annual whale hunt tradition, known loca...
The British mackerel industry has said it is pleased Iceland has decided to restart negotiations with Norway and the EU over mackerel quotas.
Sweden has been named as the most sustainable country in the world, with a recent report praising its low CO2 emissions and willingness to use renewab...
One hundred and thirty tonnes of fin whale meat have been sent back to Iceland from the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Iceland has been told it must improve the quality of water its food industry uses, revealed the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). EFTA carried o...
The resumption of commercial fin whaling in Iceland is immoral, according to Greenpeace. Icelandic whaler Kristján Loftsson’s company Hvalur, which is...