Greenpeace out to save the Nordic cod
Despite the vocal protests of the Swedish government, Greenpeace has started its plan to drop large boulders into the Kattegat sound between the Danis...
Despite the vocal protests of the Swedish government, Greenpeace has started its plan to drop large boulders into the Kattegat sound between the Danis...
Iceland’s whaling quota this year is coming close to being reached, but according to Managing Director of the Association of Minke Whalers Gunnar Jons...
The Saami parliament (Samediggi) governing the indigenous Saami people in Norway, decided not to approve the new mining law which Norwegian legislator...
There are several types of mushrooms in Finland these days which are still affected by the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown incident. These mushrooms are st...
Magma Energy Corporation from Canada has announced that they will invest in the companies of Geysir Green Energy and HS Orka in Iceland, which are par...
The European Union has placed a “seal ban” which prohibits the import of seal products into the EU market. This greatly affects nations that have high...
Swedes, Norwegians and Danes were all victims of river-related drownings, in what proved to be a deadly weekend for outdoor recreationists in Scandina...
“The last three weeks there have been earthquakes about 10 kilometers deep below Eyjafjall-glacier, which is very similar to a series of events ...