Iceland Recognises Palestine
Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, and Dr. Riad Malki, the Foreign Minister of Palestine, today formally confirmed the est...
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Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, and Dr. Riad Malki, the Foreign Minister of Palestine, today formally confirmed the est...
The three women awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo this weekend are “linked by their commitment to change”, democracy, justice and peace, according...
Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson, met today with Dr. Riad Malki, the Palestinian Foreign Minister.
A Danish man is believed to have detonated a bomb in his apartment killing himself, his former partner and her father.
Lawmakers in Copenhagen could be served with the same ‘meals on wheels’ food that is fed to the area’s elderly if a local councillor gets his way....
Fire chiefs in Gothenburg are unable to explain how one of their men accidentally downed a bottle of ammonia during a routine exercise.
As is an unofficial Christmas tradition, a 13-metre straw goat has already succumbed to arsonists in an eastern Swedish town.
Greenpeace has got one over on the top dogs of the oil industry after duping them into listening to a lecture about the perils of exploration in Green...