Tree huggers branching out with threats
Stockholm officials who made the final decision to fell a beloved oak tree in the city centre have been issued with bodyguards because of threats made...
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Stockholm officials who made the final decision to fell a beloved oak tree in the city centre have been issued with bodyguards because of threats made...
The spin doctor for Denmark’s former tax minister has been reported to the police for allegedly trying to publicise private details of the Prime Minis...
Cairn Energy has yet again failed to find oil or gas at its wells in Greenland. The Scottish exploration company’s shares fell one percent on the anno...
A hotel in Denmark is refusing to remove its women-only floor despite being told by the country’s equality board that it is illegal. The Bella Sky Hot...
An invasion of giant chipmunks at the turning-on ceremony for Stockholm’s Christmas lights has shocked residents and city officials alike.
A Finnish energy company has blamed dogs for corroding the capital’s lampposts when marking their territory. Helsingin Energia claims it is constantly...
Swedish police officers are to receive further training after the revelation that a loaded rifle was sent through the post for forensic analysis.
An academic who spent a year living with an Inuit tribe in Greenland says their traditional way of life could be completely eroded in just 25 years.