Tenant fined for DIY disaster
A Swedish man has been fined by his landlord for carrying out shoddy DIY work and painting his house an abnormal shade of green.
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A Swedish man has been fined by his landlord for carrying out shoddy DIY work and painting his house an abnormal shade of green.
More young people in Finland, many of them under the legal age of 18, are applying for sex changes, according to a media report.
The Danish Police Union is pushing for the criminal age of responsibility to be scrapped following a stabbing fatality involving two 13 year-old boys.
A new orienteering phenomenon known as ‘geocaching’ has seen more than 1,500 enthusiasts descend on a Finnish campsite in the hope of uncovering ‘buri...
An investigation into rumours about the role of the late father of Sweden’s Queen Silvia in Nazi Germany has been branded a whitewash by Holocaust sur...
A secret network of right-wing extremists who condone violence against immigrants has managed to infiltrate the Danish People’s Party (DF), according ...
A Swedish man, who was arrested and released after his girlfriend went missing last year, has been formally charged with murder following the discover...
The murderous rampage of Anders Behring Breivik could have been prevented or lessened if it was not for some serious shortfalls in the Norwegian Polic...