Climate change good for Iceland?
According to a recent report by Reuters, Iceland is in a dangerous position when it comes to climate change and global warming. Iceland is vulnerable ...
According to a recent report by Reuters, Iceland is in a dangerous position when it comes to climate change and global warming. Iceland is vulnerable ...
Yemen’s General Corporation for Electricity and Iceland’s Reykjavik Energy Invest company signed a new agreement on Sunday, according to reports by Sa...
Four nations are currently in a race to become the first country in the world to be carbon neutral on a national scale, reports the Independent. Icela...
The business of pollution and buying your way out of it with carbon credits is big news these days. From governments levying carbon taxes to air trave...
According to a recent report by Business Week, the costs of cooling data centres and providing them with operational power is growing, leading Iceland...
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has called on the US president to join him in help persuading the developing economies of China and India ...
The Icelandic government intends to open the Dreki region in the Atlantic Ocean for oil and gas exploration in January 2009. New gas or oil sites woul...