Sweden: Cost of petrol to go up
The cost of petrol in Sweden is to increase this summer, with experts predicting that the trouble in Ukraine could impact the crude oil market and sen...
The cost of petrol in Sweden is to increase this summer, with experts predicting that the trouble in Ukraine could impact the crude oil market and sen...
The Danish energy industry is no longer producing enough energy for its citizens, according to a recent report published by energy authorities Energis...
Iceland-based renewable energy company Landsvirkjun yesterday announced that it has signed a new power purchase agreement (PPA) with United Silicon hf...
Landsvirkjun, one of Europe’s leading renewable energy companies and the National Power Company of Iceland, earlier this week announced that it has si...
Since its launch in 2012, TUjobs.com – an online job portal website specialising in employment in the Norwegian oil sector – has been help...
Iceland-based energy provider Landsvirkjun, one of Europe’s leading renewable energy companies, recently saw the start up of its newest hydropower sta...
British city financier Edi Truell has spoken of his ambitious plans to develop the longest undersea power cable in the world, in an attempt to power t...
Norway’s biggest energy company Statoil is considering quitting west Greenland in an effort to cut costs. The exploration licences are something the c...