Glitnir boosts liquidity through European restructuring
Nordic bank Glitnir will release up to 1 billion Euros ($1.6 billion) in liquidity when it exits its commercial property financing business based in L...
Information and news on Business and Finance related issues
Nordic bank Glitnir will release up to 1 billion Euros ($1.6 billion) in liquidity when it exits its commercial property financing business based in L...
The Central Bank of Iceland announced this morning that it would raise its policy interest rate by 0.5 percentage points to 15.5%. Previously Iceland ...
Actavis, a leading generic pharmaceuticals company, has acquired a 90% share in Zhejiang Chiral Medicine Chemicals Company in China for an undisclosed...
After Baugur Group’s changes today, Styrkur Invest now holds 39.05% of shares in FL Group. According to Styrkur Invest spokesman and its CEO, Ei...
Four nations are currently in a race to become the first country in the world to be carbon neutral on a national scale, reports the Independent. Icela...
Gigant Construct, a real estate development company owned by five businessmen from Iceland, plans to start on further construction projects in a prime...
The business of pollution and buying your way out of it with carbon credits is big news these days. From governments levying carbon taxes to air trave...
“Fears of a meltdown are vastly overblown“, wrote Hannes Gissurarson, professor of political theory at the University Iceland in the Wall Street Journ...