Beer-loving Danes look East
With Carlsberg and Heineken’s recent takeover of the UK’s biggest brewery Scottish and Newcastle, the Danish brewer is hoping to make big inroads into...
Information and news on Business and Finance related issues
With Carlsberg and Heineken’s recent takeover of the UK’s biggest brewery Scottish and Newcastle, the Danish brewer is hoping to make big inroads into...
Nordic bank Glitnir sold ISK 15bn ($200m) of five year mandatory convertible bonds in a closed offer to Icelandic institutional investors that ended y...
Search Engine Strategies is a leading global expo and conference series that educates attendees on search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimi...
Offshore savings specialists Bradford & Bingley International have increased the rate of interest offered on two of their Internet savings account...
Styrkir eiginfjárhlutfall bankans umtalsvert Stjórn Glitnis banka hf. hefur tekið ákvörðun um að gefa út breytanleg skuldabréf. Skuldabréfin verða vík...
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has called on the US president to join him in help persuading the developing economies of China and India ...
Statistics Sweden recently announced that the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased 2.8 percentage points in the fourth quarter of last yea...
In an announcement made last week, Evli Bank in Finland said that it would be buying a significant stake into Avanko, a corporate financing firm, and ...