All parties except Greens to take donations from fur trade
After a week of controversy surrounding the treatment of animals in Finland’s fur farms, it has been revealed that candidates from every political par...
Information and news on Business and Finance related issues
After a week of controversy surrounding the treatment of animals in Finland’s fur farms, it has been revealed that candidates from every political par...
A letter from an IceNews reader with some interesting ideas about Iceland’s energy reserves:
Asbru Enterprise Park welcomes the construction of the new silicon-metal facility that will be located next to the business park in southwest Iceland.
An agreement, based on a new framework legislation on incentives for foreign direct investments, has recently been signed by the Icelandic Silicon Cor...
Finns are risking their health by following clothing care labels too stringently, according to a new report.
According to German media, the Icelandic generic company, Actavis is currently planning its expansion through future acquisitions. CEO at Actavis, Cla...
A statue of Ronald McDonald that was “kidnapped and interrogated” by a group of Finns has been retrieved by police.
Hundreds of SAS and Norwegian ASA pilots have admitted to dozing off in the cockpit, according to a new survey.