Swedish health board grants paralysed woman the right to die
The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has declared that a paralysed 32-year-old woman will be allowed to terminate her treatment.
The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has declared that a paralysed 32-year-old woman will be allowed to terminate her treatment.
A recent set of Iceland volcano pictures taken by Icelandair pilot, Mr Petursson, show both the first and second volcanic eruption at Eyjafjallajokull...
The Finnish government has endorsed applications from two companies for the construction of two new nuclear reactors.
Travelling during the summer months in Iceland is a magical experience; this is the time where Iceland’s beauty shines through its luscious greenery a...
The British publication Restaurant Magazine releases a list of the best restaurants in the world annually and over recent years, the Danish restaurant...
The editor-in-chief of the Swedish newspaper Fokus, has resigned from his position on the Press Subsidies Council after an extreme-rightwing newspaper...
(This article relates to the 2010 eruption at Eyjafjallajokull. For information on the May 2011 eruption at Grimsvotn, please check the IceNews homepa...
The Icelandic airline company, Icelandair, has been commended for its recent efficiency and outstanding service in response to the disruptions cause b...