Sweden’s top astronaut makes second trip into space
Once infamously known as the astronaut who couldn’t get a ride into outer space, Sweden’s Christer Fuglesang is currently enjoying his second mission ...
Once infamously known as the astronaut who couldn’t get a ride into outer space, Sweden’s Christer Fuglesang is currently enjoying his second mission ...
As Denmark prepares to send a second warship to the Gulf of Aden to help patrol the pirate-infested waters off the Somali coast, it has sealed an impo...
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs this week criticised Swedish democracy and freedom of speech, following an article in Aftonbladet in which the...
When most people think of nudist colonies, Finland rarely comes to mind. But the sauna-loving Finns are beginning to embrace the idea of going au natu...
It is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in Norway for asylum seekers. Conflicts around the globe are forcing people to flee their own countries ...
In 1951, Denmark’s government approved a social experiment where 22 children were taken from their homes in Greenland and moved to Denmark where they ...
Recalling the days of Viking raids, an act of piracy occurred in Swedish waters involving a Finnish cargo ship crewed by Russians. At first glance, an...
The Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Iceland has decided to hold the policy interest rate unchanged at 12.0 percent. Interest rates on...