Danes want smokers to pay for smoking breaks
More than half of Danish workers believe that their smoking co-workers should not be allowed paid smoking breaks, revealed a new survey. The results o...
More than half of Danish workers believe that their smoking co-workers should not be allowed paid smoking breaks, revealed a new survey. The results o...
A new book aiming to help aid the bereavement process of losing a spouse has been released on Amazon.com. The book, Losing a Spouse – On love, grief a...
Danish geneticists have finally got to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the higher-than-average incidences of type 2 diabetes among Greenlanders.
A 36-year-old woman was filmed as she had her breasts removed and restored at the Aarhus University Hospital last Thursday.
An 80-year-old Swedish man is lucky to be alive after a female bear attacked him while he was fishing. The bear and its cubs have since been pu...
Emergency service workers in the Finnish city of Tampere have worked out that over 40 per cent of the patients they treated in a two-month period were...
The number of people dying in Denmark without a doctor’s explanation as to why is on the up, recent statistics have shown.
New research from Sweden has shown that wives who suffer from domestic violence have a 15 per cent greater chance to be infected with HIV compared to ...