Iceland resumes whale hunt
Iceland whalers have resumed their whale hunt, with an endangered fin whale becoming the first kill of the hunting season.
Iceland whalers have resumed their whale hunt, with an endangered fin whale becoming the first kill of the hunting season.
Icelandic Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has hit back at the US’s criticism of his country’s whaling by claiming it had no right to comment when...
Iceland has vowed to protect its smaller, more remote coastal fishing communities as an increasing number of companies are choosing to carry out their...
Iceland President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has said climate change is hugely impacting the fish stocks in the Arctic. He explained that with the ...
A group of nine Icelandic museum and eco-tourism workers have travelled to the US to look at the economics, science and policy of the non-lethal uses ...
Iceland has set its total allowable mackerel catch quota for this year at 147,547 metric tonnes.
A UK government report has claimed that if one of Iceland’s “super volcanoes” erupted, it could pose just as big a threat to security as nuclear terro...
An Icelandic fishing company has sent a record 2,000 tonnes of fin whale meat to Japan, according to members of environmental groups.