Eyjafjallajokull volcano and aviation conference in Iceland has been announced
The Keilir Aviation Academy has announced an international conference on how the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption in Iceland affected aviation, of w...
The Keilir Aviation Academy has announced an international conference on how the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption in Iceland affected aviation, of w...
The survival of Danish oysters is in question due to the spread of the invasive Pacific species, according to biologists. Hundreds of thousands of the...
The bragging of two Danish fishermen about the size of their catch can finally be confirmed, as they scoop the world record for the biggest shark hook...
A summit of Inuit leaders focussing on resource development in the Arctic is urgently needed, according to the conclusions of the 11th Inuit Circumpol...
The first Norwegian satellite is to be launched this summer in order to keep track of maritime activities in the High North. The AIS (Automatic Identi...
Emissions from the petroleum industry declined in Norway during 2009. According to reports from the operating companies; volatile hydrocarbons, carbon...
Irish singer-songwriter Damien Rice is amongst the line-up for the monumental ‘Iceland Inspires’ concert, which is being held tomorrow evening close b...
Finland’s forests are absorbing double the amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than they were 20 years ago. Wooded areas in the country can n...