Nano particle cancer warning from Danish experts
Danish experts have warned that some types of nano products could cause cancer in a similar way to asbestos exposure.
Danish experts have warned that some types of nano products could cause cancer in a similar way to asbestos exposure.
Due to the recent technological advances in geothermal power plant development in Iceland and its growing potential as a widespread power source, the ...
The fish and seafood industry have both been synonymous with Iceland and its restaurants since the late fifties. Today is no exception, with sushi res...
A researcher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks has said that climate change could lead to greater inter-species breeding.
A new report from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has estimated that there are nearly NOK 500 billion (USD 90 million) worth of untapped gas and...
(This article relates to the 2010 eruption at Eyjafjallajokull. For information on the May 2011 eruption at Grimsvotn, please check the IceNews homepa...
A recent set of Iceland volcano pictures taken by Icelandair pilot, Mr Petursson, show both the first and second volcanic eruption at Eyjafjallajokull...
The Finnish government has endorsed applications from two companies for the construction of two new nuclear reactors.