Danish immigrants to receive leaving bonus
Immigrants who will not or cannot integrate effectively into Danish society are set to receive a handout, if they are willing to leave for home.
Information and news on lifestyle related issues
Immigrants who will not or cannot integrate effectively into Danish society are set to receive a handout, if they are willing to leave for home.
Telenor, the Norway-based telecom provider, will soon strengthen its global operation with the addition of a new mobile service under the brand name U...
A herd of over 400 reindeer have drowned after the ice they were crossing gave way, sending them plunging into freezing waters.
Seven Finnish citizens had a narrow escape, as they only just avoided a suicide attack in Somaliland last week.
The Danish Consumer Council has declared that leading brands including Nivea and Biotherm skin products contain suspicious substances.
Fatty foods and candy could soon be swelling the coffers of the Danish state by up to DKK 1.5 billion per year with the introduction of an ‘unhealthy ...
Iceland is world renowned for being home to some of the most beautiful sites and natural wonders attracting hundreds of thousands of visits every year...
Copenhagen’s parking inspectors are receiving training from an elite group of former soldiers in a bid to help identify potential terrorist activity a...