Saab sales in Sweden hit rock bottom
It’s not a good time to be a car dealer in Sweden. The lingering economic recession affected consumer car sales to the tune of a 13.9 percent drop in ...
Information and news on lifestyle related issues
It’s not a good time to be a car dealer in Sweden. The lingering economic recession affected consumer car sales to the tune of a 13.9 percent drop in ...
Copenhagen’s normally vibrant Fashion Week began with a yawn and ended with a whimper as all three of its main shows reported a sharp drop in attendee...
Icelanders have been producing less waste and landfill and have been recycling much more than in previous years, according to Frettabladid. Operation ...
Despite the vocal protests of the Swedish government, Greenpeace has started its plan to drop large boulders into the Kattegat sound between the Danis...
The royal court of Sweden today announced that Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine has become engaged to Jonas Bergstrom, a...
Iceland’s whaling quota this year is coming close to being reached, but according to Managing Director of the Association of Minke Whalers Gunnar Jons...
The Saami parliament (Samediggi) governing the indigenous Saami people in Norway, decided not to approve the new mining law which Norwegian legislator...
For the first time in years, Copenhagen’s public transport network has experienced an increase in passengers. This is a sharp turnaround from the prev...