Homeless Swedes begging in Spanish tourism resorts
There has been a shock increase in the number of Swedes found to be begging in Spain’s most popular tourist resorts.
Information and news on lifestyle related issues
There has been a shock increase in the number of Swedes found to be begging in Spain’s most popular tourist resorts.
An investigation is underway in Iceland after EVE Online’s brand new player monument was vandalised not long after it was erected.
Norwegian Oil Minister Tord Lien has braved the freezing water by accepting a challenge to take part in the ‘Jump in the Sea’ fad.
Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and his wife Princess Mary have confirmed they will attend the Eurovision Song Contest in their home city, Copenhagen...
Rolling Stones fans in Sweden have been warned to be cautious about buying tickets for the band’s upcoming Stockholm gig as there are many fake ones i...
A number of renowned acts, including Mogwai, Davendra Banhart and Slowdive, have been added to this summer’s ATP Iceland line-up.
Sweden’s Eurovision entrant Sanna Nielsen has said that she feels no pressure to show flesh in order to gain more votes during the contest.
A group of nine Icelandic museum and eco-tourism workers have travelled to the US to look at the economics, science and policy of the non-lethal uses ...