Surtsey becomes UNESCO site
After meeting in Canada on Monday, the World Heritage Committee announced the inclusion of 13 new UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Iceland Review reports....
After meeting in Canada on Monday, the World Heritage Committee announced the inclusion of 13 new UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Iceland Review reports....
The Riksbank, Sweden’s central bank, has raised the interest rate to 4.5 per cent, it’s highest in 12 years, and has suggested it could go higher. The...
Stemming from their successful exhibition in Edinburgh’s Old Town in March this year, Mhari Baxter and Melissa MacRobert will present a series of ligh...
Figures just released by UBS reveal that Helsinki is among the top 10 most expensive cities in the world to live in, taking into consideration average...
Iceland’s capital hosted more than 1,000 experts on pneumococcal disease recently, as experts in the field met to discuss ways to combat the world’s l...
A commission of enquiry into the number of ‘sponsored events’ on national TV has proposed a drastic cut in such numbers, by up to half. According to t...
Long running efforts to formalise the status of Copenhagen’s most famous suburb seem to have reached a deadlock. The hippie enclave that has squatted ...
FL Group announced today that it has been rebranded as Stodir and has acquired of a 39% stake in the Baugur Group under the new name. With the transac...