New Icesave agreement to be announced at 16.00 today (GMT)
The Icelandic government has been meeting this morning to talk again about the Icesave issue, since changes were made to the first agreement by the Ic...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
The Icelandic government has been meeting this morning to talk again about the Icesave issue, since changes were made to the first agreement by the Ic...
Norway has announced its support for the discharge and rehabilitation process of Nepalese Maoist army personnel. Norway has recently been encouraged b...
Announcement from Glitnir’s Resolution Committee, the Ministry of Finance and Íslandsbank:
The International Olympic Committee had made its decision to award the 2016 Olympic Games to Rio de Janeiro long before the much publicised visit by U...
Greenland will continue to use the Danish krone as its currency after the ruling government declined to adopt the National Bank’s new printed notes. S...
The Finnish Ministry for Social Affairs and Health is set to propose legislation that will see the country pursue a course to a tobacco-free society. ...
Debate has raged in Denmark following the Sunday broadcast by TV2 of the story of Kaj Guldbech, a cancer sufferer who chose to end his life after livi...
Kuupik Kleist, the Prime Minister of Greenland, has supported a move to increase rental prices by up to 50 percent on some government owned properties...