Copenhagen weighs up cost of IOC event
The Danish capital has been reviewing the expense of hosting the latest International Olympic Committee meeting and all signs point to benefits signif...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
The Danish capital has been reviewing the expense of hosting the latest International Olympic Committee meeting and all signs point to benefits signif...
Thorbjorn Jagland, the former President of the Norwegian Storting and head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee was voted into the role of Secretary Gener...
The European Union’s Swedish presidency has declared that the Irish ‘Yes’ vote on the Lisbon Treaty was “a good day for Europe”.
Once again Norway has taken the honour of being named best country in the world to live in, heading off Australia and Iceland to win for the second co...
Saami people have claimed that a proposal by a Canadian company for gold-mining in Sweden’s northeast violates their UN-recognised human rights and wi...
The Icelandic Foreign Minister Steingrimur J. Sigfusson today had a meeting with Dmitry Pankin, the Russian assistant finance minister. At the meeting...
Sweden has joined a dozen fellow European nations in agreeing to UNHCR quotas for the acceptance of Eritrean and Somali refugees from camps in Sudan a...
A second uranium enrichment plant in Iran has led Norway to join other countries in expressing its concern over the disclosure, claiming that the plan...