Illegal immigrant wins Swedish lottery
In 2003, Eritrean man Tesfaldet Tesloy arrived in Sweden to start a new life with his brother, who had lived in the country for some 20 years. In 2006...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
In 2003, Eritrean man Tesfaldet Tesloy arrived in Sweden to start a new life with his brother, who had lived in the country for some 20 years. In 2006...
The latest TNS Gallup polls indicate that rival coalitions in the run up to this month’s election in Norway are virtually even. The incumbent Labour-l...
A charter flight left Copenhagen bound for Baghdad last week containing 22 Iraqi asylum seekers who refused to leave the country voluntarily after the...
The European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn, today presented Iceland’s Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir with a questionnaire asses...
Francois Bazaramba, the 58-year old ex-pastor from Rwanda who played a role in the 1994 Hutu-led massacres, will go on trial this week in a Finnish co...
Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, has claimed that he welcomed criticism during a response to an internal memo leaked to the press last week.
The Swedish Nordea AB Bank was quoted this week as having signed a contract to purchase Denmark’s Fionia Bank from the Danish State at a cost of EUR 1...
Just as Sweden recently expelled one of China’s diplomats, the Asian nation returned in kind by expelling a Swedish diplomat and apparently also block...