Greenpeace out to save the Nordic cod
Despite the vocal protests of the Swedish government, Greenpeace has started its plan to drop large boulders into the Kattegat sound between the Danis...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
Despite the vocal protests of the Swedish government, Greenpeace has started its plan to drop large boulders into the Kattegat sound between the Danis...
The royal court of Sweden today announced that Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine has become engaged to Jonas Bergstrom, a...
The Saami parliament (Samediggi) governing the indigenous Saami people in Norway, decided not to approve the new mining law which Norwegian legislator...
Two Russian bomber aircraft flew over Icelandic airspace last Wednesday. According to the website of the Icelandic Department of Defense, the two Russ...
In reprisal for the killing of three Taliban fighters by Swedish soldiers last week during an ambush on the all-Nordic patrol, a regional Taliban comm...
The Faroe Islands currently use the Danish krone (DKK) as their local currency; however, the Sjalvstyrisflokkurin (Independence Party of the Faroe Isl...
Fighting broke out again between a group of Finnish and Swedish soldiers and insurgents in Sar-i-Pol in Afghanistan on Monday around 16.00 (GMT). Ther...
According to RIA RusBusiness News, in October 2009 Denmark will hold the “Caravan of Russia – Denmark Friendship” forum. The aim of the forum is to es...