Iranians selectively barred from Swedish universities
Sweden’s national security service, Sapo, has issued a warning that Iranian citizens studying at Swedish universities could have ties to their nation’...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
Sweden’s national security service, Sapo, has issued a warning that Iranian citizens studying at Swedish universities could have ties to their nation’...
The former majority owner of Landsbanki (parent to Icesave), West Ham and Samson holding has filed for bankruptcy. This is by far the biggest of its k...
Sweden’s Supreme Court has set a new legal precedent that makes it harder for alleged victims of rape to convict their attackers. The precedent was ci...
The Norrebro district of Copenhagen has been a bit of a sore spot in recent years, so the capital’s police commissioner has decided to put more cops o...
A recent incident involving five young footballers from Tanzania who were in Sweden for the annual Gothia Cup tournament has prompted Swedish immigrat...
There is an increasing number of parliament members in Iceland deciding against the Icesave-agreement, according to the news source Bloomberg. 34 memb...
The European Union has placed a “seal ban” which prohibits the import of seal products into the EU market. This greatly affects nations that have high...
The Icelandic application to join the European Union is expected to be discussed at a meeting of EU foreign ministers today in Brussels, Belgium. Peop...