Gylfi Zoega: Icelanders should be more open
Gylfi Zoega, professor of Economics at the University of Iceland, said in an exclusive interview for IceNews, that reopening the market is essential f...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
Gylfi Zoega, professor of Economics at the University of Iceland, said in an exclusive interview for IceNews, that reopening the market is essential f...
The latest climate-friendly tax being proposed in the Danish parliament focuses on the methane emissions that come from cattle when they break wind. T...
In Norway it is against the law to get an abortion based on the sex of the unborn child. However, The Local newspaper reports that some pregnant Norwe...
Amidst rampant speculation that Denmark’s prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, is leading the list of candidates to assume the job of NATO’s chief w...
The government of Sweden has decided to allow stores that are not state-run pharmacies to sell non-prescription drugs. This latest move is the final s...
As provided for in Temporary Provision II of the Act Amending the Act on the Central Bank of Iceland, the Prime Minister today appointed Svein Harald ...
The government’s bill amending the Central Bank Act has been passed by the Icelandic parliament Althingi. Major changes are made to the Central Bank’s...
David Oddsson and Eirikur Gudnason, the governors of the Central Bank of Iceland, said a fond farewell to bank staff at a meeting earlier today, MBL r...