Lithuanians unite in Iceland
Last Saturday, immigrants from Lithuania met in Reykjavik as part of an establishing congress. According to reports in the Baltic Course, Lithuanians ...
Information and news on politics in Iceland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe
Last Saturday, immigrants from Lithuania met in Reykjavik as part of an establishing congress. According to reports in the Baltic Course, Lithuanians ...
A small village in Sweden became the site of unexpected violence on Sunday night when seven people were assaulted on the streets. According to reports...
A recent poll suggests that the Sweden Democrats have finally gathered enough support from the Swedish population to enter parliament, according to re...
Last week, Finland’s Minister of Defence, Jyri Hakamies, spoke out in public, voicing his support for Finland and Sweden’s accession into NATO. The sp...
From 28th to 30th May, US Secretary Condoleezza Rice will be in Sweden and Iceland, according to reports by AFP. While in Scandinavia, Rice will atten...
Last Saturday the Finnish Airline Pilots’ Association instituted a ban on overtime hours for pilots, according to reports in the Finnish news agency, ...
Airports are scrambling to conclude wage settlement talks with the umbrella union LO Stat before 16th May. If the two parties do not come to an agreem...
Last week, the Department of Foreign Affairs announced that the government of Norway would increase the amount of emergency aid it would send to Burma...