Third Pole glacier melt impacts ~20-25% of Earth’s population
Glaciers are important to life on earth. It is as simple as that. They are critical freshwater resources and they also impact sea level, surrounding a...
Glaciers are important to life on earth. It is as simple as that. They are critical freshwater resources and they also impact sea level, surrounding a...
Barcelona born photographer Sara G. Amo opens up an exhibition of her work next Thursday at Grófinn City Library in Reykjavik. “Magic exists eve...
Beluga whales Little Grey and Little White continue to do well in Iceland and have settled into their temporary care pool following their epic journey...
Scrapie, a fatal disease affecting the nervous system of sheep, has been found on the Álftagerður farm near Varmahlíð in Skagafjöður reports the Icela...
The 13th CoastGIS Symposium will be taking place between 27th – 29th September at The University Centre of The Westfjords in Ísafjörður. The the...
Katla volcano has been a point of interest in recent weeks due to the release of a scientific paper revealing how much carbon dioxide is being produce...
The Icelandic Museum of Natural History recently signed a contract with Perla Nordursins holding company about housing large-scale exhibitions about I...
The past few days have seen a swarm of tremors around Katla volcano, but yesterday they reached over a 3 in magnitude or up to 3.6. According to repor...