Large-scale rare-earth mine to cease production in Greenland
According to Naaja H. Nathanielsen, Greenland’s Minister for Mineral Resources, a new legislation is being put in place by Greenland’s new...
According to Naaja H. Nathanielsen, Greenland’s Minister for Mineral Resources, a new legislation is being put in place by Greenland’s new...
According to Morgunblaðið, oil leaking from the wreck of British the oil tanker, El Grillo, at the bottom of the fjord in Seyðisfjörður in East Icelan...
A document has recently been signed by Iceland’s Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson that ensures the...
A project to develop an autonomous industrial rail freight service in Finland is set to enter the development and verification phase after receiving f...
Plans to develop new technology for autonomous delivery vehicles in Finland’s capital, Helsinki, have been announced by Amazon. Amazon has state...
According to a study based on city air quality recently published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík, has be...
A new model that applies artificial intelligence to carbohydrates improves the understanding of the infection process and could help predict which vir...
The Environment Minister of Iceland, Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, has announced that Lundey Island off the north coast of Reykjavík has been declared ...