A new frontier in nature conservation
“Defense against the onslaught of tourism on the fragile nature of Iceland is without doubt the most urgent task at hand”
“Defense against the onslaught of tourism on the fragile nature of Iceland is without doubt the most urgent task at hand”
This winter seems to be the coldest measured winter since 1995 according to Meteorologist Trausti Jónsson.
Construction plans have been approved that will cause irreversible damage to a unique area known as Eldvörp, a 10 km long crater row in the Reykjanes ...
Iceland has become a popular destination for those researching the planet Mars as the center-highlands of Iceland uniquely comparable to the red plane...
The Iceland Nature Conservation Association, the Icelandic Environment Association and the Nature Conservation Fund held a large summit “Protect the P...
The geyser of all geysers; Geysir erupted spontaneously yesterday. This used to be a common occurrence but with all the soap forced eruptions brought ...
UPDATE: Electricity has been restored in most of the area affected by the blackout. A storm is till raging in the West fjords though and children are ...
Bring out your spikes! We can expect what Icelanders call “a flying slippery” on the streets around the whole island according to the Icelandic Meteor...