Digital piracy group recognised as a religion
Sweden has recognised a pro-file sharing organisation as an official religion.
Sweden has recognised a pro-file sharing organisation as an official religion.
Norwegian state oil producer Statoil ASA has announced a major oil find in the Barents Sea off the coast of northern Norway.
Explosive experts have been commissioned to deal with a Nazi-era mine that has washed to shore in northern Sweden.
Recent statistics suggest that messages sent via social media have overtaken SMS among Swedes.
More than 20 Norwegians are not yet able to return to their homes following massive landslides near Trondheim on Sunday.
Thousands in several areas across Finland still have no electricity following heavy storms that battered the country last week, bringing down trees an...
A teenage boy has become what is thought to be the youngest person in Sweden to be convicted of copyright violation, after his school handed him over ...
While the unseasonably warm weather in Finland has left wannabe ice skaters out in the cold, bird watchers have been counting their chickens thanks to...