Mower death leads to manslaughter probe
Police in Sweden are investigating the death of a man who was run over by a lawn mower last year.
Information and news on science and technology related issues
Police in Sweden are investigating the death of a man who was run over by a lawn mower last year.
Police are investigating after a diplomat from the Turkish embassy in Copenhagen was found to be armed at court proceedings against Kurdish broadcaste...
As many as six members of left-wing research organisations may be jailed in Denmark for allegedly using illegal surveillance methods to obtain informa...
Finnish scientists have found a direct link between the swine flu vaccine and an increase in narcolepsy cases in children.
A 15 year-old boy has become the youngest Swede ever to be charged with violating copyright laws after uploading 24 films onto internet filesharing si...
A Danish father, whose two daughters were found burnt to death in the back seat of a car, is being charged with their murder after an autopsy revealed...
More young people in Finland, many of them under the legal age of 18, are applying for sex changes, according to a media report.
A new orienteering phenomenon known as ‘geocaching’ has seen more than 1,500 enthusiasts descend on a Finnish campsite in the hope of uncovering ‘buri...