E-reader from Amazon released in Denmark
The popularity of E-reading is expected to increase following Amazon’s decision to launch their best-selling model internationally. The Kindle program...
Information and news on science and technology related issues
The popularity of E-reading is expected to increase following Amazon’s decision to launch their best-selling model internationally. The Kindle program...
The existing organ donor legislation in Finland requires permission from the host, but a new amendment proposal will seek to remove the pre-arrangemen...
Anti-depressants have been credited with saving hundreds of lives each year in Sweden as a new study shows the suicide rate has declined significantly...
The European Union is providing funding for human behaviour-watch programmes in the war against terror, sparking fears that the EU community itself wi...
Risk Management Studio is software from Stiki designed for companies, institutions and local government bodies wanting to guarantee security in the pr...
Exhaustion is being attributed in increasing numbers of cases as reason enough for Finnish workers to be granted paid sick leave. Traditionally Finlan...
Today people from around Reykjavik will gather to clean rubbish around the Vatnsmyri area as part of the largest global day of climate action ever. Th...
The magnificent waterfall Goðafoss travels around as a part of the promotion material for Microsoft Windows 7. “This came as a surprise when I saw it”...