Will Russia loan Iceland money?
The Icelandic Foreign Minister Steingrimur J. Sigfusson today had a meeting with Dmitry Pankin, the Russian assistant finance minister. At the meeting...
The Icelandic Foreign Minister Steingrimur J. Sigfusson today had a meeting with Dmitry Pankin, the Russian assistant finance minister. At the meeting...
Sweden has joined a dozen fellow European nations in agreeing to UNHCR quotas for the acceptance of Eritrean and Somali refugees from camps in Sudan a...
The mastermind behind a teenage sex ring in Sweden has been found guilty of aggravated pimping charges and sentenced to four years in prison. Online n...
Icenews has just obtained a full, printable version of the Barack Obama dinner invitation. As reported earlier here on Icenews, the Icelandic entrepre...
Norway’s coalition government will meet next week to discuss the possibility of a new political platform after the three parties were all returned to ...
The National Committee for UNICEF in Iceland has received ISK 8 million allocated by Iceland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards emergency relief in...
A government appointed work group has declared that the indigenous Sami population of Sweden should be granted further freedom to undertake activities...
Finnish opposition parties last week introduced demands for the implementation of new legislation for the improvement of elderly care. The chair of th...