Illegal lady Viagra
Danish customs official have intercepted thousands of illegal ‘Womenra’ pills in the post over the last several months. Reports in the Copenhagen Post...
Danish customs official have intercepted thousands of illegal ‘Womenra’ pills in the post over the last several months. Reports in the Copenhagen Post...
Monday’s bombing of the Danish embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan may have been a reaction to the Mohammed cartoons published in Danish newspapers. Last y...
In America, it is a common misconception that boys learn maths with greater ease than girls, however a new study has shown that cultural and social in...
The debate over Iceland’s adoption of the euro is raging on and has taken on new meaning given the krona’s difficult year so far. For some, adopting a...
The head of Finland’s Defence Forces, Admiral Juhani Kaskeala, said that Finland needed more female recruits. On Saturday the Admiral said that women ...
Last Friday, Lund University held a formal dinner in honour of newly awarded PhDs. According to reports in The Local, the dinner was interrupted by a ...
Since January, the value of Iceland’s currency has fallen considerably and international confidence in the country’s banks to cover their foreign debt...
A new index created by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies has ranked 140 countries around the world in terms of their peacefulness in ...