Iceland ‘happiest’ nation
A recent study comparing the quality of life in 30 European countries ranked Iceland as the place where residents are most likely to live long and hap...
A recent study comparing the quality of life in 30 European countries ranked Iceland as the place where residents are most likely to live long and hap...
The total debt of the National Hospital of Iceland, a state-run institution, has risen to ISK 900 million (USD $15.1 million), mostly due to the procu...
Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, the Foreign Minister for Iceland, met last week with the Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad,? and the? President, ...
On the morning of July 20th, environmental protesters vandalised the Icelandic consulate in Edinburgh. The steps of the consulate were covered in red ...
Because of the time difference between Europe and Iceland, bookstores in Reykjavik? have been? selling the newest Harry Potter book one hour before th...
On June 29th the Ingibjörg R. Magnúsdóttir Research Fund became Iceland’s first fund available for students wishing to persue advanced university stud...
Two men were attacked last week by a group of four men in downtown Reykjavik and sustained serious injuries. One of the men is receiving ongoing treat...
Two men were taken by a Coast Guard helicopter to Neskaupstadur hospital in the Eastfjords last week. Although both men were in their early twenties a...