Young Turks stranded between Denmark and Turkey
A group of Turkish citizens are currently in Denmark and unable to return to Turkey because of passport and visa complications.
A group of Turkish citizens are currently in Denmark and unable to return to Turkey because of passport and visa complications.
More than 25,000 once happily married couples in Sweden called time on their union last year, the highest number in nearly four decades.
There are currently more female managers in Denmark than ever before, with figures suggesting that family life isn’t preventing Danish mothers from st...
The number of refugees looking for support and protection in Sweden is forecast to rise from the earlier estimate of 61,000 to 70-80,000 this year, ac...
A new book aiming to help aid the bereavement process of losing a spouse has been released on Amazon.com. The book, Losing a Spouse – On love, grief a...
This year’s Helsinki Pride week began on Monday at the Three Smiths Square in Helsinki and ran until today.
Two Swedish girls stole a car owned by a family friend, flipped on a busy main road and fled the scene in a taxi, revealed the Uppsala Nya Tidning (UN...
There is a rising risk of Islam-related terrorism in Finland, revealed a recent report, with the ongoing Syrian conflict a key factor in the threat.