Amnesty International: Denmark discriminating against transgendered
Denmark is discriminating against transgendered people living in the country, recent research by the Danish branch of Amnesty International has conclu...
Denmark is discriminating against transgendered people living in the country, recent research by the Danish branch of Amnesty International has conclu...
More Danes are living under the country’s poverty line, according to new research from think-tank Kraka. The latest study showed that over the last ni...
Following the mass exodus of young graduates from Iceland in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the country has finally returned to net immigratio...
Iceland has been ranked amongst the lowest adolescent consumers of alcohol in Europe, according to studies.
In recent years Denmark has recorded a decline in the number of smokers, but that appears to have come to an end now, with recent data showing that th...
Leaders of the Dansk Folkeparti have said there are enough Muslims living in Denmark and the government should put border patrols in place to ensure n...
A man from northern Sweden who murdered and dismembers his ex-girlfriend was sentenced to 14 years in jail.
A number of schools in Finland have been piloting a flexible timetable system allowing pupils to enjoy extra-curricular activities during the school d...