Swedish landlord reported over sexual demands
A Swedish landlord is under investigation after police were told he demanded sex from a tenant in exchange for a flat he was renting out.
A Swedish landlord is under investigation after police were told he demanded sex from a tenant in exchange for a flat he was renting out.
A human trafficking trial started at the Copenhagen City Court on Monday, with nine Romanians facing charges of forcing 16 females into prostitution.
More beggars on Denmark’s streets should be punished in order to deter foreign homeless people from travelling to the Scandinavian country, claims Dan...
The Cities for Youth conference, to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, is set to discuss methods for the prevention of substance abuse. The conference was...
Recent figures from the Finnish national institute of health and welfare THL have revealed a fall in alcohol consumption in the country.
Pews may be empty and churches across the country closing because of declining membership, but many Danes still believe in a higher power, according t...
Demoting Swedish as an official language and legalising gay marriage are the two most divisive issues in Finland, according to a recent survey.
Valitor Trust, a fund created to promote cultural and social activities in Iceland, has announced that it has awarded 153 grants over the past 21 year...